Interview with Arnaud Barray, founder of Millionaire Lunch Geneva
The business club “Millionaire Lunch Geneva” organizes private lunches with a special guest, and supports its members through its precious network, guidance, and the contribution of capital for their company.
Portrait of Arnaud Barray
When did you start the club and how many members does it have now?
AB: The club exists since the beginning of 2020. In the beginning, I used to go to restaurants with 2 or 3 friends who also became millionaires. Now the club has 66 members, 47 men, and 19 women.
What is the mission of your Millionnaire Lunch Geneva club?
AB: The mission is for these people to get together to continue to be uplifted so that everyone can achieve their goals. It is therefore important for the members to listen to each other and help each other.
The goal is also to help other people who are not members of the club to come from time to time in order to help the maximum number of people to grow so that everyone can achieve their dreams.
What is your long-term vision for the club?
AB: The club will have a maximum of 100 members. I don't want to have a large number of members, but rather a large number of people. The idea would be to create other hubs in other geographical areas if the demand grows enormously.
Otherwise, we will remain a local club but will be able to welcome people from all over the world from time to time.
For this, Geneva is a strategic location.
Do you want to focus on the "lunch" format or can we expect some novelties?
AB: The idea for the moment is to keep the lunch as it is one of the characteristics of the club. Indeed, as I am very busy and have young children, it is difficult for me to go to events in the evening. This format allows the club members to not overload their agendas so lunch is a very good option for these reasons. Of course, there will be occasional new events, such as joint events with other business clubs.
What are the profiles of the members?
AB: The members are millionaires with different profiles. Executives, entrepreneurs, and investors. Most of them live in the Geneva area but we also have members based in the South of France, Sion, and Zurich for example. The canton of Vaud is also very well represented.
Who would you like to have as a guest of honor?
AB: I already had Andre Agassi! That was incredible. Otherwise, I love soccer so why not former footballers who are now entrepreneurs like Mathieu Flamini who is the CEO of a company that is worth billions, or Blaise Matuidi who has created an investment fund.
And why even Elon Musk!
How can one join the club?
AB: To join the club, the person must be approved by the founder (Arnaud Barray). There is of course the financial criterion but also the human criterion. Indeed the goal of this club is more in objective to give than to receive. In general, we want to obtain something but it is also so enriching to have an attitude that is: what can I bring? How I can create value?”.