The booming of aesthetic surgery and medicine
If there is one sector spared by the crisis, it is certainly medicine and aesthetic surgery. Are we more narcissistic than before or under greater “pressure” to display a perfect plastic daily? Swiss Luxury Magazine interviewed two experts to understand the extent of the phenomenon. Direction Paris to meet Dr. Mohamed Derder, one of the greatest plastic surgeons in the world whose VIPs and anonymous patients are international, and Switzerland to meet Dr. Diana Cerutti who explains the deep relationship of the Swiss with aesthetics.
As a healthcare professional, a worldwide know aesthetic surgeon, how do you see the explosion of aesthetic surgery and the standardization of a “body” that has become a canon of beauty at all costs?
Dr. Mohamed Derder: Social networks are taking up more and more space in our lives, people spend their time on their screens looking at stories and retouched images of people who stage themselves a bit like looking at a shop window, The use of filters that have become commonplace, especially among the youngest, all in all, have contributed to the explosion in demand for aesthetic surgery, as there are at the origin of the creation of physical complexes.
They want at all costs, to look like their idols coming from what we call Reality TV. This phenomenon mainly affects the youngest who think that aesthetic surgery is a common and simple act while there are risks of failure and complications. In addition, they cannot afford the high price of such medical procedures so they find themselves going to Tunisia or Turkey in order to have the operation at a lower cost.
Portrait of Dr. Mohamed Derder
What are the most requested procedures?
There is the Brazilian Butt Lift, generally called « BBL », an intervention in a full explosion that consists in sculpting the body by liposuction and reinjection of its own fat at the level of the buttocks in order to increase their volume and/or modification the shape (accentuate the roundness at the level of the hips). The main purpose is to look like Kim Kardashian who became the ultimate body of our time for many girls around the globe. Another famous celebrity taken into reference is Kylie Jenner for her oversize lips. Problem: many young girls have their lips injected by non-doctors which generates an explosion of clandestine injections. I can observe that it is an endless vicious circle because often these patients come back disappointed and, for some of them, physically ravaged but they do not necessarily have the financial means for remedial surgery.
Today, what is the profile of your patients?
My patient base is of varying ages and comes from all other the world. I would say a lot of young people are interested in aesthetic medicine (injection of botox and hyaluronic acid, especially on the lips as previously developed) and aesthetic surgery, such as getting your nose redone, having a beautiful chest or beautiful silhouette with the harmonious shape before summer. I also see a lot of women wanting to repair what they consider to be the "damage caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding", these are patients who want to regain their pre-pregnancy silhouette.
Men are also getting into it more and more mainly for silhouette problems, gynecomastia, and rhinoplasty. I also see older patients for mostly facial rejuvenation surgery like facelifts and blepharoplasty. At last, I also do reconstructive surgery with microsurgery at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in Paris, especially breast reconstruction in the context of breast cancer.
On Television, through your social networks, you regularly speak out to warn about the dangers of aesthetic tourism abroad: what is the extent of the phenomenon?
You can't even imagine the number of patients who go abroad to have aesthetic surgery, whether in Turkey, in Tunisia, or Morocco. Every week I receive remedial requests and testimonials from patients who are physically ravaged. It is more business than medicine! Patients go abroad without knowing their surgeon, often without speaking the language, sometimes even scarier some companions like friends or family find themselves in the operating room to undergo an operation because the surgeon offered an attractive price if the patient and his travel companion had both the aesthetic surgery. Fortunately, some courageous patients share their experiences in order to alert others and prevent them from experiencing the same misadventure.
When there are complications the patients return to France, Switzerland, and Belgium...and end up in the emergency room, sometimes in serious conditions such as hemorrhagic shock for some, and septic shock for others when the infection spreads. Some cases are remediable and others, unfortunately, not. Patients often recontact their surgeons located abroad to inform them of dissatisfaction or a complication, some surgeons do not hesitate to cut off all contact with their patients and stop answering them.
There have been cases of death in these countries.
Most often, no recourse is possible in the event of medical malpractice, patients find themselves spending more money in France, in the hope of being saved and trying to recover their bodies. I hold this speech of truth on television during special programs but also when I grant interviews and of course on my social networks.
Portrait of Dr. Diana Cerutti
Swiss Luxury Magazine also asked Dr. Diana Cerutti, a member of the SAMBA (the Swiss Academy of aesthetic industry professionals), to share her insight about this booming sector in the country. Despite the economic situation being difficult, the aesthetic medicine and surgery sector is not experiencing any crisis...How do you explain this explosion of procedure requests?
Dr Diana Cerutti : It is a booming market, I think one of the reasons is social media influence showing a high unrealistic beauty standard caused by editing apps and filters nowadays. We live in a world where many want to strive for perfection.
What is the profile of your Swiss patients and what are the most popular procedures?
People often think there is a certain type of patient doing beauty treatments - mostly younger women. Of course, there are, but surprisingly enough the “average” hardworking middle-aged mother that is trying to restore her “natural” beauty, is just as much interested in treatments. But there is really not a typical clientele. It is very diverse as looking and feeling good is a goal for many people, and not to forget, we have men that are interested to take care of themselves as well. Hair quality, softening wrinkles, and masculinization of the face are often the treatments they ask for. There are so many popular treatments on the market, but I do think that neurotoxins, hyaluronic acid fillers, and skin quality treatments such as bio stimulators and skin boosters are the most popular ones.
In Beauty, there are several « schools »: it is generally said that the Americans appreciate show-offs, big lips, and boobs...while the French advocate discretion, « the less is more » philosophy. What is the Swiss approach?
I would say that the Swiss approach is influenced by the French way. Most of my patients do not share their treatments with their friends and do not want anyone to know - including their partners.
You are one of the Doctors who attach great importance to patient education. How can you make them aware of aesthetics and body positivism?
It is a very difficult topic! I am in this field to help boost my patient’s confidence, therefore I am very careful with what I advise and recommend. I make sure to have long consultations with my patients to make sure we are aligned on the results we are working to achieve. I need to gain my patient’s trust and get a mutual understanding of what they want. The most important message for me is that we are all beautiful, in our own way. Our beauty is our uniqueness and I am here to help my patients emphasize their own natural beauty.
Useful Links
Dr. Diana Cerutti Official Website
Dr. Mohamed Derder Official Website